... a tiny two year old seeing how you are sitting and copying it to be more like you.

... a little dude knowing who you are and busting out smiles when the last time you saw him, he was still a little mush of a baby and now he is a small person with thoughts and ideas.
have i mentioned i love these babies?
my cousin Jen is the mommy to Ryan & Cyrus and has a super amazing 8 year old step-daughter named Brooke, too.
i need to get me some new Brooke photos, stat!
my cousin is the coolest of cool. just a few years ago she was still a wild child, out adventuring in the world and in the past three years she has gotten married, become a mom and moved four hours away. the cool thing is that she is still totally herself. she still has the same sense of humor and way of being but has all these new traits, too. i love that she's maintained herself throughout all of these life changing, amazing blessings and challenges.
i like her a lot :o)
who is your favorite family member?
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