Sunday, September 20, 2009
most people get hangovers the next day, i get self realizations.
there's no place like ..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
taking a moment to smell the ...
being sent these beautiful roses - pink and white, which happen to be my fav - made my day and helped me feel much better than i have lately. it got me thinking that i should send flowers to someone that i care about and i know just the person! now all i have to do is figure out a good place to send flowers from... hmm... some googling is in order! it seems kind of strange that i've never actually sent anyone flowers but i guess i can blame it on thinking it's more of a boy thing to do? clearly i should alter that thinking.
one day, i want a garden filled with bright and beautiful flowers.
... and a lovely gardener to tend them for me ;o)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
some tasty goodness.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
i fell in love today.
this is Bell. she is purdy. if i can make some magic work
and she hasn't been adopted by anyone else yet.
she shall be mine.
if she has then so be it and another wonderful little
baby will find her way into my life.
it's probably entirely unreasonable for me to bring a dog on tour..
but do you know how many people do it and how sane it will keep me?!
sometimes (mostly) i get along better with dogs than people.
plus i finally thought of the BEST NAME tonight.
cross your fingers!
and check out Petfinder to find yourself a new pal.
adopt don't buy!
photo via Petfinder (thanks!)