Sunday, September 20, 2009

most people get hangovers the next day, i get self realizations.

last night, i went out with a friend
who, oddly enough, i've only ever seen in person twice
yet knows practically everything about me.
one of those people you just connect with, you know?

he threw another one of his friends into the mix and the three of us went off,
galavanting out into the night .. into the strangest place i've ever been to.

normally, i would have never found myself in the company of such interesting, fascinating characters. i would have never ventured into this venue or that far downtown, for that matter.
i would have never seen the performances (and performances?) that i saw.

and i realized how closed off i've been lately.
how much i've been playing it safe.
how sheltered my life and i have become.

i remember a very recent time when i felt so open to the whole world.
inviting and accepting everything around me and 
trusting the universe to take me where i need to be
and give me what i need.

somewhere along my recent journey, i've lost my trust in that
and my belief in the joy and excitement of the world around me.

i think it's time to work on getting that back.

now i just have to remember how to do that.


  1. I've felt the same lately. Trying to open myself up to new people, new scenery, and just notice what's going on around me... it's always when you let go and take that risk that you come away most revived :]
