... this Thursday, April 8th, 2010 is One Day Without Shoes?
TOMSshoes (which i love, love, love!)
has declared this Thursday a day to rid your feet of shoes and spend a day learning what it's like to be without shoes. they've recruited many a celebrity to make videos to promote the day and have set up events all around the country (world?) where folks can get together and support each other and their barefootedness.
check out www.onedaywithoutshoes.com
for more info and for nifty little banners like the ones i've got posted here.

you can even replace your current facebook/twitter/tumblr/blogger/etc icons
with the stickers and banners and so forth that are found in the toolkit.
see, all the cool kids are doing it!
and these kids over at TOMS are no dummys
(they are the opposite)
and know that lots of people can't go shoeless all day
and so they covered that little issue with this logo:
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