Wednesday, April 14, 2010

making my own silver lining

i have been feeling particularly bad for myself over the past few days.
it is my belief that feeling bad for one's self does not help any situation.
in fact, i truly believe that it only makes things worse.
so, in the spirit of healing and happiness, i submit to you, dear readers:

my grateful list

1. my mom
(who has been taking super good care of me even when i'm cranky).

2. extra time away from performing reminds me how much i love + need it.

3. amazing friends
(who have been sending well wishes full of love).

4. not getting what i want
(because it makes me work even harder).

5. other people's blogs who keep me company during days like these

6. creativity! + good ideas
(which keeps my mind moving even when i want it to be still).

7. NYC, LA, Austin, NJ
(+ the other beautiful and interesting places i've been this year).

8. adventures + future adventures.

9. pretend designing my future homes.

10. the ability to learn new skills
(+ crossing things off my to-do list).

i feel better already :o)
what are you grateful for today?


1 comment:

  1. My 10:

    1. Beautiful Weather
    2. The fact that I actually got myself out of bed to run this morning.
    3. Coworkers who make me laugh.
    4. Homemade healthy lunch to save some dough
    5. A really good book awaiting me at home.
    6. Confirmation and faith in recent decisions.
    7. Starbucks.
    8. A relaxing work week.
    9. TAXES DONE.
    10. New beginnings

    Thanks Ker :)
